Food Allergies May be Keeping you Fat

Do you sometimes feel bloated or gassy after eating? It could be you are sensitive to some of the foods you are eating. Find out if food allergies are causing your pain with an elimination diet. What is an Elimination Diet?An elimination diet is often recommended if...

How to Lace a Corset

How to Lace a Corset

While looking for stretchy, see-through fabric to make Halloween costumes (anyone know where I can find some, let me know), I found this ultra-handy instruction page for how to lace a corset. Scroll down for the Corset section, and then go to Lacing a Corset. You just...

Keeping Food Diary Helps Weight Loss

Keeping Food Diary Helps Weight Loss

Keep track of what you eat for the next seven days; just one short week (you can do it). Note what, when, your mood, and whether you were hungry. This diary then becomes your window into your real eating habits. If you usually eat a pretty...

Canada Says No to Low Carb

Starting next year food labeling in Canada will not be allowed to have any claims regarding low carb at all, including in the product's name. Smaller companies are being given until 2007 to comply with the labeling laws. This is because Health Canada has taken the...

Losing Weight Before Weight Loss Surgery

Losing Weight Before Weight Loss Surgery

Obese Man Loses More Than 370 Pounds It's becoming more common for the severely obese to have to lose weight to become candidates for weight loss surgery. This presents a dilemma in that to quality for the surgery you must demonstrate that you have tried and failed to...

Even Diet Pros Can Get it Wrong

When Diet Recipes Go Bad I often sign up for the "free information" offered on websites for weight loss, just so I can see what they do, how whey do it, and whether I like it. Today I signed up for a Free Fitness Assessment on a page testing headlines for Denise...

If Americans Eating Healthy Why Are We So Fat?

A recent telephone poll conducted in August by Zogby International, and commissioned by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston revealed that 70% of Americans say they are careful about what they eat. Yet 56% of these same people admitted to being...

Could Your Allergies Be Keeping You Fat?

A recent survey of 15,000 adults by Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that 1 in 50 were allergic to seafood; twice as many as are allergic to nuts. Because so many people are sensitive to certain foods and chemical additives, it's certainly worth a...

My Son Won the Good Eater Award

Good Eater Award I have a small, yellow award banner, like what'd you'd win in second grade, that says "Good Eater Award." I named my website, OneMoreBite, after my theory that when children are small we're constantly trying to get them to start eating, "Come on...

World’s Dumbest Diet Device

World’s Dumbest Diet Device

Goofy Weight Loss Gadgets Have you ever thought of going to your dentist for diet advice? Now you can. Dentist are lining up to get in on the current wave of products suited to help people lose weight, and what better answer than the DDS System by Scientific Intake....

Low Fat Diet Best for Long-term Weight Loss

The battle between low fat and low carb continues. A study recently concluded that the low fat approach results in better long-term results. Using the National Weight Control Registry,which tracks the secrets of success from people who had lost at least 30 pounds and...

Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

I get more e-mail that starts with, "Help me," than any other, yet those writers rarely put themselves on the list to receive my help. I'd love to spend all day answering e-mails, but frankly, I don't have time. What I do instead is respond as best I can with the time...

Cortislim Fined for Bogus Weight Loss Claims

September 30th, 2004 the FTC brought a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles against the makers of Cortislim and Cortistress for bogus claims regarding their products. The lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of money to be refunded to customers who...

The Chocolate Diet

I came across an ad that said, "The Chocolate Diet," and so naturally, I checked it out. The site had pictures of nice chocolates, and then something about how nanotechnology had created some nifty new way of making it so you needed less sugar, blah, blah. This led me...

Miracle Pill : Lose Weight Stop Smoking

Miracle Pill : Lose Weight Stop Smoking

An experimental diet pill, rimonabant, by Sanofi-Aventis SA, the world's third biggest drugmaker is showing remarkable promise in clinical trials. Called an "Anti-craving" pill, it's soon to be tested for its effect on smokers as well. Researchers indicated 39 percent...

Grapefruit Diet Making Comeback

Reported Wednesday in HealthDayNews a grapefruit or two a day may help you lose weight. Ken Fujioka, director of nutrition and metabolism research at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego was the lead author of a study evaluating grapefruit for weight loss. One hundred...

American Diet: Too Much or Not Enough Protein

American Diet: Too Much or Not Enough Protein

What's Better for Weight Loss: High Protein or Low Fat? A July 15, 2004 Yahoo News Headline shouts, "American Diet Too Heavy in Meat, Study Finds," and goes on to state that, "The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer...

How to Use EFT to Manage Food Cravings

Managing Cravings with EFT There are several ways to manage cravings; you can attempt to stop eating the food entirely, i.e. out of sight out of mind; you can modify your eating habits around a particular food, i.e. cut back on the quantity or how often you indulge;...

Diet Recipes That Aren’t My Pet Peeve

Diet Recipes - My Pet Peeve I got a book at the library yesterday, The Ultimate Low Fat Baking Cookbook. This is one of those huge, glossy photo filled, coffee table type books, so I start flipping through it, and the first thing I noticed was the photos. They had...

Study Finds Soft Drinks to Blame for Obesity

Stop Drinking Your Way to Obesity Researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) recently conducted an experiment with mice to determine whether fructose in the diet may be to blame for the increase in obesity. Mice were allowed to consume whatever they wanted along...

Coca-Cola Found to Contain Alcohol

No Wonder We Love our Coke Coca-Cola may face a fatwa, or decree by Muslim leaders if more samples prove to have liquor in them following the discovery of alcohol in a bottle of the beverage. As reported in the Packaging Blog, "In June of this year a Mpumalanga...

Free Pepsi – $10 Rebate

Act fast and you can get $10 for Pepsi products. Deal expires 7/23/05 If you get Pepsi anyway, this is a neat deal to save some money because soft drinks are expensive! Think about it: if you drink only one soft drink a day, and you buy at a convenience store for...

Low Sugar Cereals Not Any Healthier

When Is a Breakfast Cereal Whole Grain? When the label says 100% whole grain, and nothing else. No "wheat flour," because guess what? It's no longer whole grain. You can have whole grain flour but it would be listed as "100% whole grain flour." Anything else is not...

Dark M’M’s OR How to Make Candy Depressing

I finally found some "dark" M&M's; a not easy feat in itself. I've been looking for them for weeks. So, I get my prize home and tear it open only to find ... the colors. They are so horribly depressing you might as well eat dirt. Don't they get it in M&M's...

Quorn: OR the Fungus Among Us

Whole Foods Markets sell a meat substitute under the brand name Quorn. It's what they call a mycoprotein and is described as being related to mushrooms, but the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) claims it is a mold more closely related to mildew than...

Human Mad Cow in Holland

Human Mad Cow in Holland

Is Beef Safe to Eat? A human has been report with Mad Cow Disease yet Holland cries, "Our beef is safe! Our beef is safe!" Is it? Did they figure the person traveled to say the UK and got the bad beef there? Do they really know? No, they do not. Stop...

Burger King in Race for Biggest Sandwich

Burger King has introduced two new sandwiches in what they call their "flavorful and indulgent breakfast sandwiches" selection to meet the growing (pun intended) need of starving Americans; namely, the Enormous Omelet Sandwich and the Western Omelet Croissan'wich. The...