Lose 5 Pounds – TV Turn Off Week
Researchers agree that family dining (meaning families dining together) creates healthier family members. But lookout, a recent study showed the benefits of eating together as a family were negated if dinner was served in front of the television. In other words, turn...
Toobee: Have Fun, Lose Weight
Just saw this new toy, the Toobee, "lighter than a marshmallow," no sharp edges, can be flown inside or out. This is just plain fun, and for a limited time you can get free, (you do pay shipping and handling). The Toobee could be the next best weight loss exercise...

Weight Loss Tip: Small Changes Equal Big Results
There are 365 days in a year. If you achieved your goals on 200 of them this year wouldn’t that be an improvement over last year? As you improve, your weight will come off. That’s the secret to lasting weight loss.
Eat What You Want to Lose Weight
If you have a particular food craving, you should have that food. Not three other things to make the feeling go away, but that exact food. If you cannot have that exact food, then catalog it for later, and have something similar, such as if you want something crunchy...

Fat-free French Fries Maker: Does it Work?
Really dumb product alert! I saw this gadget at a thrift shop and had to have it. The picture sold me. Note how nice and crispy brown the fries appear? How exactly do they achieve that remarkable result in a microwave? NewsChannel 11 in Lubbock Texas has a wonderful...
Capital One Credit Card Rip Off Diet
Deal With These Idiots and You'll Lose Your Appetite Here's a way to lose weight; get ripped off by Capital One, then when you try to call and straightened it out you're told, "That's Capital One's policy." I paid by balance in full and my statement showed a finance...
Muscle Does Not Weigh More Than Fat Ad Nauseum
Man, I still get e-mails like this: "Umm, so I stumbled on your site, and found you had written something on muscle weighing more than fat being a myth. To quote "As you can see, the 5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still...

You Lose Weight, Your Pants Are Loose
The Difference Between Lose and Loose is my pet peeve: People who profess to be experts in weight loss but they say "weight loose." OMG, it about kills me. Here's an easy way to remember. You lose something, your pants are loose. I mean, really now. That's a big...
Can Cellulite Be Cured?
Heard of TriActive LaserDermology? Neither have I. Apparently they say you can rid yourself of cellulite (that dimpling of fat near the skin's surface) by receiving treatments with this new gadget. TriActive Laser Dermology states, "It attacks cellulite three ways:...
Sweet Offers That Suddenly Go Sour
I see an offer for a free CD/DVD that I'd like anyway. It's a copy of "Business is Booming" which is a CD about direct marketing, blah, blah, and so whatever, it's being offered free for postage only. Okay, so I'm game. I check it out and what do I find? It's $9.47...
Wishbone Salad Spray: Say it Don’t Spray It
Have you tried putting oil based things into spray bottles? Usually they clog and it doesn't work, but apparently Wishbone has figured out how to get salad dressing into a spray bottle, so for my money the price of entry (under $3) is worth it for the bottle alone!...
Sweet Offers That Suddenly Go Sour
I see an offer for a free CD/DVD that I'd like anyway. It's a copy of "Business is Booming" which is a CD about direct marketing, blah, blah, and so whatever, it's being offered free for postage only. Okay, so I'm game. I check it out and what do I find? It's $9.47...

Weight Loss Drops for Idiots
This takes the cake: Weight loss drops! Yeah, sure. If it's not bad enough that products rarely contain enough ingredient for any effect, imagine if they dilute the ingredients even further? Add water, and voila! New amazing weight loss product. For research I went to...
Z-Trim – Saves Fat Gives Fiber
There are many things you can do to reduce the fat content in foods. Replacing some of the oil with applesauce is one. Z-Trim is a fiber product, derived from the hulls of corn, oats, soy, rice and barley. It starts as a powder and when mixed with water turns into a...
Does Phone Hell Make You Eat?
Here's the thing: If you want to call and ask a question, say, "What's the mailing address?" and you telephone your credit card company, chances are you're going to be faced with an exchange something like this: Company: "You have reached your Best Credit Card...

Worst Ripoff Weight Loss Pill: Leptoprin
I just saw a commercial for Leptoprin, which is the most brazenly ridiculous example of rip-off marketing. We have laws about false product claims, but they do no good because companies can advertise products, lie about their results (claiming they have clinical proof...
New No Calorie Sweetner – ZSweet
Ventana Health, Inc announced November 3, 2006 that the FDA had approved ZSweet(TM), a new no calorie sweetener and sugar alternative. I ordered a sample, which despite being "free" costs $2.95 shipping/handling. It better be a decent sized sample for three bucks....
Are you Starving? Putting Hunger in Perspective
Putting Hunger In Perspective I recently read a book by the only man to have survived alone on a raft at sea for more than two months, Editor of Cruising World magazine, Steven Callahan. In "Adrift, Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea," Callahan recounted how while slowly...

Brazilian Diet Pills – Scam Alert
Everyone Wants a Diet Pill Take this pill and lose weight and all is well with the world, only one problem: they don't work. Sure, you can lose weight with prescription diet pills, a little bit that is, but at what cost? All a scammer has to do is claim to have a diet...
Splenda Brown Sugar Released
Finally, Splenda® Brown Sugar. I've hunted the stores for months trying to find DiabetiSweet Brown Sugar Substitute to no avail. Evidentially it didn't sell well enough for stores to stock it, but now we'll see how the new Splenda Brown Sugar Blend fares. The brown...

Forget Toys! Now They’re Recalling Chocolate
Kraft gets slammed with a chocolate recall just in time for the 2007 holiday season. Kraft's Premium White Chocolate the 6 oz sized box, apparently they've found salmonella. Yes, it lurks everywhere. Keeping track of all these recalls isn't...
Blogger Sucks
Why I Moved to Wordpress Well, today's the day. I've finally had it with Blogger.com. Now I' m having to move, by hand, all the posts from my old blog, since there's no way to do it automatically if you're not hosted on Blogspot. Fine. Why am I moving? Suddenly you...

Losing Weight with 100 Calorie Snack Packs
The New York Times printed a story in July, 2007, "In Small Packages, Fewer Calories More Profits" that you can portion out the full-sized bag yourself and save money, but who does that? We're a nation of food and beverage guzzlers. With self...

My Scale of Woe: Adventures in Weight Loss
The Scale Is Not My Friend I got a surprise when I stepped on and found I'd gained over five pounds. In one week! Now how does that happen? I don't know all the answers but I do know I haven't done anything unusual so there's no logical reason. Because of that I'm not...

Drink Claims To Burn Calories
The good folks at Coke-cola have dreamt up a doozy of a marketing idea: A drink that burns calories! Excellent. Ah, but wait …
Capital One Credit Card Rip Off Diet
Deal With These Idiots and You'll Lose Your Appetite Here's a way to lose weight; get ripped off by Capital One, then when you try to call and straightened it out you're told, "That's Capital One's policy." I paid by balance in full and my statement showed a finance...
Muscle Does Not Weigh More Than Fat Ad Nauseum
Man, I still get e-mails like this: "Umm, so I stumbled on your site, and found you had written something on muscle weighing more than fat being a myth. To quote "As you can see, the 5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still...

You Lose Weight, Your Pants Are Loose
The Difference Between Lose and Loose is my pet peeve: People who profess to be experts in weight loss but they say "weight loose." OMG, it about kills me. Here's an easy way to remember. You lose something, your pants are loose. I mean, really now. That's a big...

Dumb Weight Loss Product: Anti-Eating Face Mask
I Bring You the Anti-Eating Face Mask! In the words of Dave Barry, "I am not making this up." Someone patented this device; a mask you wear on your face so you wont' eat. Sheesh. Great plan. Probably the same team who thinks a chastity belt is a good idea....
Weight Loss Gum: Chew Your Way Thin
A new wonder product in the world of weight loss! Weight loss chewing gum. This is just about as good idea as the weight loss suckers I wrote about previously. If the gum numbed your mouth or contained cocaine, it might work, otherwise, forget it. There's no way two...