Groundbreaking news! Exercise, Diet Keep Weight Off!

Holy smokes, who’d a thought? Sheesh. I’ve mentioned before I’m a member of the National Weight Control Registry, a group of about 5,000 people who’ve lost on average 73 pounds and kept off more than 30 pounds for six years. The actual criteria to join the registry is having lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for one year. I lost 80 pounds over 17 years ago now, so I’m qualified. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Recent findings suggest that it doesn’t matter what method you use to lose the weight, but keeping it off tends to be a combination of low fat and exercise. Suzanne Phelan, a Brown University Medical School psychologist who led the research stated that, “Only a minority of successful weight losers consume low-carbohydrate diets.”

Registry participants who reported being on low carb diets also reported eating more fat, which prompted Colette Heimowitz a spokeswoman for the Atkins diet organization to say, “the carbs aren’t low enough for them to be successful,” and that they should have replaced carbs with more protein rather than more fat.

Meanwhile the battle rages on. Use what works for you. If you love carbs, then low carb is likely not the best choice. Instead try high complex carbs such as whole grains and brown rice with plenty of steamed and raw vegetables and fruits for snacks. On the other hand if nothing makes you happier than a juice piece of steak, perhaps low carb is a good way for you to go. Each of us must find the right balance that works best for ourselves, rather than listening to the diet gurus “diet-o-the-week.”

Make Your Own Splenda Baking Mix and Save Money

What is Splenda Baking Mix?

It’s half sugar half Splenda. That’s it.ย  Wow! New product, huh? Do they think we are so stupid we can’t just mix our own two ingredients together? Did you buy this new Splenda Baking mix? If you did, next time buy a bag of Splenda, and a bag of sugar, and pour them together in equal measure into a container and you’ve just saved a lot of money.

Pound for pound you’re getting ripped off by paying Splenda prices for ordinary sugar. Think about it when you see some “new product.” Can you make it yourself and save money? Is the labeling created to trick you into thinking your having less food than you really are having? We have to more diligent than ever because food manufacturers are getting a little nervous when they think we wouldn’t notice how stupid Splenda Bakig mix really is.

Of course, I’ve always just added by own raisins to bran cereal while most buy Post Raisin Bran at it’s inflated price, so go figure. Watch what you pay extra for. We need to stretch our food dollars now more than ever.

Lose 9 Pounds Every 11 Days and Other Diet Lies

I just visited a site with that promise and it began by saying, “Weight Loss for Idiots.” I don’t know about you but I object to being called an idiot.

This site proclaims that every “diet” from low calorie to low carb and everything in between doesn’t work. Have they never heard of starving to death? You can’t get more low calorie than that, and it indeed does cause weight loss. Permanent weight loss in the form of death, but permanent none the less.

The FDA is finally cracking down on bogus weight loss claims and losing 9 pounds every 11 days is a prime target. You cannot lose weight that fast, and you certainly cannot continue it, yet their title claims you can.

I smell a rat, and it doesn’t taste like chicken. Run, don’t walk, away from bogus weight loss claims.

Obesity Deaths over Quarter Million Way Too Many

Health officials announced Tuesday that the CDC’s report, released in 2000, indicating 400,000 deaths a year were attributed to obesity was flawed and that the actual number was likely 80,000 less. People, that is still a third of a million deaths a year! It’s not okay.
Obesity and smoking are vying for top honors in the “kills most people” award, and at 425,000 deaths a year, smoking may still hold the lead.

Don’t be a stastic. Make small changes like taking a bowlful of chips instead of the entire bag. Practice portion control by eating a piece of fruit and then waiting an hour before eating something else. Cut your sandwich in half and eat the other half later as a snack, instead of a candy bar.

Notice how often you put something in your mouth out of habit or because “it’s there,” and then take steps to break that pattern. It begins with awareness.

Enjoy what you eat, take time with it. Notice it, smell it, taste it. Don’t just inhale food any more! Savor it. Take teensy bites. Let a piece of chocolate melt in your mouth. Every chew releases flavor and texture into your mouth and that is where the pleasure in eating lies.

Together we can work to bring down those annual deaths from obesity by focusing on ourselves and what we choose to eat.

Low Fat Diet Best for Long-term Weight Loss

The battle between low fat and low carb continues. A study recently concluded that the low fat approach results in better long-term results. Using the National Weight Control Registry,which tracks the secrets of success from people who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept them off for at least a year. The registry is run by doctors from the University of Pittsburgh and Brown University in Providence, R.I. and the University of Colorado in Denver. (I’m on this registry, and receive semi-annual questionnaires which they use to track weight control over the long-term).

Twice a year the National Weight Control Registry asks participants about their eating and exercise habits. Recent findings appear to support the conclusion that, “People who started eating more fat … regained the most weight over time,” said Suzanne Phelan, a Brown Medical School psychologist who presented results of the study Monday at a meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity.

Experts Weigh In with Opinions on Low Fat vs. Low Carb

Other experts had differing opinions: Dr. Thomas Wadden, a University of Pennsylvania weight loss expert who was not involved in the study, said it is too soon to say which approach is better. Several longer-term studies of low-carb and low-fat dieters are in the works, he said. But he did say, “I do think that people who are keeping the weight off are eating a low-fat, high-carb diet.”

Colette Heimowitz, a nutrition expert and spokeswoman for the Atkins diet organization, noted that the study considered 90 grams to be low-carb, while Atkins recommends 60 grams for weight loss and 60 to 120 for weight maintenance.

She said that for many of the dieters studied, “the carbs aren’t low enough for them to be successful.” They also should have replaced carbs with more protein rather than fat, she said.

Should I Eat Low Fat or Low Carb?

Frankly, I think it’s best to eat what you enjoy, watch portions especially if you eat meals in restaurants, limit treats and get your body moving. The more active you are the better.

Elimination Diet – Could Food Allergy be Keeping you Fat?

Could it be an Allergy?

Do you suffer when you eat? Do you experience gas, bloating, or any unusual symptoms after eating. Do you seem to crave the very foods that cause these problems? You may have an allergy or food sensitivity.

Recently I was asked about an elimination diet so I went looking for resources. I found what I think is the best site on the net which not only covers this subject but can help you detect if food sensitivity or allergy may be part of why you can’t seem to lose weight. The site is called Register (no obligation) and you can access The Symptoms Matrix. Join The Tuesday Club (for a very low annual fee) and you have access for an entire year to all the resources you’ll need including daily journals, the 9-day diet trial, the 35-day detection diet, and the Compleat Guides to Yeast-free, Daily-free, Gluten-free, Wheat-free (not the same as gluten free), and Fructose-free.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There is also references in The Food Sensitive Life, and The Recipe Collection including yeast-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, fructose-free and gluten-free recipes.

One membership entitles your entire family to keep journals. I have no association with this site (unfortunately), but I genuinely believe it is the best resource for detecting unknown food sensitivities.

If your doctor suggests you may have food sensitivities, intolerance, or allergies, he’ll first suggest a battery of expensive tests. If those tests come back with positive results, then your doctor will suggest (drum roll please) an elimination diet. Save yourself the trouble and try first. By completing your own elimination diet you then will be able to easily proceed into the maze of what to eat when you have food sensitivities.

Tell them sent you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Weight Loss with No Effort – Try FatFoe

Feast on your favorite foods and lose 2 pounds a day!

If you don’t think you can be fooled by bogus weight loss ads, check out this “new” weight loss product called FatFoe. It promises to let you lose weight without diet or exercise. Looks pretty darn good, I’ll have to admit. Who doesn’t want to take the easy road to weight loss success? Go ahead and click on the “Order Now” button.

If you don’t have flash installed and cannot see the page via the above link, here is a screenshot of the order page for FatFoe

Bogus weight loss products are a multi-billion dollar industry. Remember, you cannot lose weight unless you change your eating and exercise habits. Period. There is no magic bullet and there never will be. If they do develop a pill that helps people lose weight with no effort, undoubtedly it will be shown to cause liver cancer and kidney failure and be removed from the market after a few hundred or few thousand people die. Only those that didn’t die will cry that they wish they’d bring it back.

Weight loss is not impossible. I’ve successfully lost 80 pounds and kept it off for 17 years. So can you. Learn EFT, take my 8-week course, read the numerous articles about common sense weight loss at and start today to get on the path to better health.

Overweight and Heartburn – Natural Treatment for GERD

Is There a Simple Treatment for GERD and Sleep Apnea?

It’s well known that being as little as 20 pounds overweight increases gastrointestinal disorders including GERD and sleep apnea. What is not well known is that a simple treatment is available.

My husband (ex now) at 30 pounds overweight suffered from sleep apnea and GERD. He finally was becoming so exhausted from lack of sleep that he visited his doctor who promptly prescribed Prilosec. I didn’t like the idea of a monthly prescription that was going to cost over $100 (Prilosec is now sold OTC (over the counter) so insurance doesn’t help pay the expense), so I wanted to find an alternative. What I found astounded me.

I have long received a magazine called Life Enhancement and remembered seeing something in there about GERD and H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) so I went to find that information again and there it was. A simple, inexpensive remedy called Bye-Lori. I immediately ordered some for him. He had been taking Prilosec for several months, but after one bottle of Bye-Lori he never again refilled the Prilosec prescription. He also lost 30 pounds without struggle after having carried the extra weight for several years.

Did I mention the best benefit of all? He no longer snores! He used to sound like a fog horn and keep me awake half the night.

Most doctors will prescribe drug therapy for GERD (and anything else) at a high cost to your pocketbook. In some cases merely losing 20 pounds can eliminate the problem, but meanwhile drugs such as Prilosec offer relief at a cost of over $120 a month:

Brand name Prilosec, .20mg, 28 caps, $124.95
Generic Prilosec, 20mg, 56 caps, Only $77.90

An alternative known as Bye-Lori is just $31.49 per month. Bye-Lori by Life-Enhancement can not only help, it can eliminate the bacteria.

H. Pylori and Weight Loss Surgery Patients

Weight loss surgery (WLS) candidates have a high incidence of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) infection. As the complication rate from WLS is so high (some estimates are as high as 1 death in 50, others 1 death in 1000) wouldn’t it make sense to give yourself every chance at a healthy intestinal system?

If you or someone you know takes remedies for their acid reflux, GERD or other disorder, send them to

BTW, I am not affiliated with but I do use their products and think they are a top-notch organization. I’ve received their newsletter for many years.

Food Allergies May be Keeping you Fat

Do you sometimes feel bloated or gassy after eating? It could be you are sensitive to some of the foods you are eating. Find out if food allergies are causing your pain with an elimination diet.

What is an Elimination Diet?

An elimination diet is often recommended if you suspect or have been told you have food allergies. Basically it is following from two to four weeks on a very strict, very limited diet, and then slowly reintroducing specific foods. This way you can track your symptoms and determine which foods cause you trouble.

Allergy Tests

If you can beg, borrow or steal, get the money together for a comprehensive allergy test and save yourself a month of trouble. You can order these yourself (they do not have to be ordered through a doctor). You’ll receive a kit with complete instructions. Return the kit and you’ll get a comprehensive report on any foods you either are allergic to or have a sensitivity to. Then the fun begins, but it’s not as hard as it seems.

Living Without magazine is your first resource. This magazine is amazing, with articles written by people just like you who’ve tackled the difficulties of avoiding common allergens.

Against the Grain is one book I highly recommend. Read it and weap. Wheat is the surprise ingredient in just about every condiment and pre-mixed packet you can find (except of course those made specifically without wheat). It’s added as an inexpensive thickener. Once you learn what foods cause you trouble the money you’ll save in doctor’s visits will more than pay for any special foods you’ll now be eating. You’ll feel so great too, you’ll almost forget you ever had a sensitivity.

Check my list of resources for allergy free foods, books and more including mixes for cakes and other goodies. In many cases you’ll find it much easier to lose weight too, if you eliminate foods that cause you gas and cramping.

Zantrex 3 Diet Pills – Donโ€™t Buy Them, Make Your Own

I saw a bottle of Zantrex Diet Pills at my local Safeway store so grabbed them to see what’s inside.

Zantrex Rip Off Diet Pills Can you say, “Rip-off?” This wonderful product contains nothing more than caffeine in various forms such as Yerba mate, guarana, damiana, cocoa nut, kola nut, and rice flour. Rice flour? What’s that in there for? Filler, probably.

Safeway had this at over $40 a bottle! That is ridiculous. You could make your own for a few dollars, or just buy caffeine pills (truckers use them), for $4.99/100 and call it a day. Brand name or generic, caffeine is caffeine.

Don’t overdo the caffeine either or you’ll just end up jittery and probably get a headache.

How to Make Your Own Diet Pill

Buy herbs in bulk. Yes, you can buy most of these ingredients yourself, if you like them, why pay someone a bunch of money because they put it in a fancy sounding bottle? Zantrex sounds like a real drug, doesn’t it? It’s not. They could have called it Porky’s Fat Reducing Pills, but that wouldn’t have sold as well.

Look in your phone book first to see if there are any herbal shops in your town. If so, go straight to them. The shops smell wonderful, BTW. I buy spices in bulk too. For less money than you pay for a stale bottle at the store you can get a quarter to a full pound of things like basil, bay leaves, oregano, whatever you like. The smells knock me out when a box is delivered. I totally love it. Organize a few friends and split it up if you want.

Okay, all my herb books must be downstairs and I don’t feel like going down right now, so I’ll write this up as an article and post it on my main site in the Weight Loss Articles section.

It’ll have ingredient suggestions, a recipe or two, and a few places to buy bulk herbs. I’ll edit this to add the direct link as soon as I write the article too, so if you prefer reading in your Blog Reader, just hang in there. More news coming soon …