Elimination Diet – Could Food Allergy be Keeping you Fat?

Could it be an Allergy?

Do you suffer when you eat? Do you experience gas, bloating, or any unusual symptoms after eating. Do you seem to crave the very foods that cause these problems? You may have an allergy or food sensitivity.

Recently I was asked about an elimination diet so I went looking for resources. I found what I think is the best site on the net which not only covers this subject but can help you detect if food sensitivity or allergy may be part of why you can’t seem to lose weight. The site is called FoodIntol.com. Register (no obligation) and you can access The Symptoms Matrix. Join The Tuesday Club (for a very low annual fee) and you have access for an entire year to all the resources you’ll need including daily journals, the 9-day diet trial, the 35-day detection diet, and the Compleat Guides to Yeast-free, Daily-free, Gluten-free, Wheat-free (not the same as gluten free), and Fructose-free.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There is also references in The Food Sensitive Life, and The Recipe Collection including yeast-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, fructose-free and gluten-free recipes.

One membership entitles your entire family to keep journals. I have no association with this site (unfortunately), but I genuinely believe it is the best resource for detecting unknown food sensitivities.

If your doctor suggests you may have food sensitivities, intolerance, or allergies, he’ll first suggest a battery of expensive tests. If those tests come back with positive results, then your doctor will suggest (drum roll please) an elimination diet. Save yourself the trouble and try FoodIntol.com first. By completing your own elimination diet you then will be able to easily proceed into the maze of what to eat when you have food sensitivities.

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