Self Control When You Least Expect It
Self Control When You Least Expect It In the movie, A Fish Called Wanda, one of the characters had a phrase he'd use whenever things would go horribly wrong, like when his key to the safety deposit box with all the loot broke in the lock. You'd expect him to start...

Portion Control Gone Mad
What's an Shopper To Do? Yesterday, I stopped at Zupans to see if they had my favorite shortbread cookies. If you don't have Zupans nearby, they're a great store, one of my favorites, but you need to win the lottery to shop there often. It's...

Shop Until You Drop – Pounds That Is
Trim Trolley - Shop Until You Drop Thought you had no time to exercise? Think again. The British supermarket chain, Tesco, announced Tuesday that its newly designed shopping cart/exercise machine dubbed the "Trim Trolley" is ready for testing. This ingenious device...

No Wonder We’re Fat Jumbo Snickers Serves 3
One jumbo Snicker's Bar serves 3! Who knew? Remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine uses a knife and fork to eat her Snickers? Now I know why: I recently read the label. Luckily I just found Mike Master's blog "Fulltime Vagabond" and he explains the deal with...
How to Instantly Lose Weight
When You Want it Yesterday Everyone gets into the "need result now" mind frame. I've been known to decide I'm going to get in better shape and I'm checking for results before 12 hours have passed - LOL. No joke. I review my goals morning and night, and when I do it's...
Sleep More to Lose Weight?
Yes, You Need Your Sleep Today's headline is trumpeting the idea that maybe you're just tired? Perhaps if you got more sleep you wouldn't crave chips and snacks - right. Next we'll start seeing a lot of ads for the Lose Weight While You Sleep crap - it never fails....
Slowing Down You Eat Too Fast
You Got to Make the Meal Last Eating idea: Slow down. Why are you in such a hurry? If you love to eat, and you say you do, why then do you rush through it? Wouldn't it make more sense to have something you enjoy so much last a little longer? Why not linger over a good...

Dieting: When Life Gets In The Way
That pesky thing called life. It has a way of fouling up the best laid plans, doesn't it? First you decide you're going to start keeping your car cleaner, thinking, "I know, I'll wash it every Saturday morning." Great. You have a plan. Saturday comes along and someone...

Downsizing McDonalds – Phasing Out Super Size
McDonalds has announced it's phasing out the option to "Super Size." Stating it has, "nothing to do with that [film] whatsoever," referring of course to the soon-to-be-released independent film Super Size Me about Michael Spurlock's 30-day odyssey of eating nothing...

How I Quit Smoking, One Day at a Time
I quit smoking many years ago and the only way I could do it was by thinking ahead, not forever, not for a year or a month, or even a week, but one day at a time. Every day when I'd wake my first thoughts would be a decision for that day and that day only; "Today, I...
Look out South Beach Diet! The Hamptons are Moving In
The Hamptons Diet - The Beverly Hills Diet - The White-Trash Diet - The South Hoboken Diet. When will it all end? Ah, another diet book with another snazy title. Sort of makes you feel like you're on a vacation just thinking about it. This latest entry into the...
Diet Candy: Slim Pops Slim Your Wallet too!
Okay, so what happens if you try to lose weight by using a "candy" every time you get a craving for something else? That doesn't seem too smart to me - how are you going to learn better eating habits by sucking on lollypops all day? These little beauties come in at a...
Candy and Me A Love Story
Hilary Liftin's Candy and Me, a Love Story, is the book every sugar junkie should read. Once after just having five cavities filled I stopped and bought a bag of candy, took it home and gorged in sugar heaven. I remember that day because I knew it was weird to have my...

Eating What You Want and Losing Weight
If you have a particular food craving, you should have that food. Not three other things to make the feeling go away, but that exact food. If you cannot have that exact food, then catalog it for later, and have something similar. For instance, if you want something...

Dieting: When Life Gets In The Way
That pesky thing called life. It has a way of fouling up the best laid plans, doesn't it? First you decide you're going to start keeping your car cleaner, thinking, "I know, I'll wash it every Saturday morning." Great. You have a plan. Saturday comes along and someone...
Why South Beach Diet More Popular than Atkins Diet
The ranking at for top searches in January 2004 shows the South Beach Diet is now the No. 1 top searched weight loss program with Weight Watchers coming in second and the Atkins Diet third. Since the South Beach diet is simply a modified Atkins Diet but...
NLP Weight Loss: How You See Yourself Part 3
How Do You See Yourself - Part 3 Making a Change when Others Don't Want you To In NLP there is a process called "Creating a Compelling Outcome." Your outcome is what you really want, but knowing what you want is only a small part. Finding a way to achieve it, and...

The Dry Cleaners Shrunk my Pants Again!
Shortly after Christmas I went to wear my favorite jeans - the green pair (I'm a redhead so I can wear green jeans if I want), and to my dismay I found they were suddenly too small! Now, how'd that happen? I'd owned them for a long time and washed them numerous times...
Low Carb Pork Rinds?
I'm looking for info on net carbs and how exactly they turn a usually high carb food like a tortilla for instance into a low carb version, and what do I find? A website about low carb foods with an ad banner across the top proclaiming, "Pork Rinds, fresh, kettle...
Net Carbs – Slowly Driving me Insane
If I hear one more person say, “I need to give up carbs,” I think I’ll scream.
Rice Recipes – Win $5000 Top Prize
If you've got some great recipe everyone raves about featuring rice, enter the 7th Annual Rice to the Rescue Recipe Contest. They say, "only original and unpublished rice recipes" well, duh, you're not going to just go copy straight out of your Betty Crocker cookbook,...
Biggest Burger in Kansas: When Food is Bigger Than Your Head
Here's a Big Burger You thought you liked burgers? Check this offering from the Seabrook Tavern in Topeka, Kansas: This is one gihugeous burger! For the "rest of the story" check out The Seabrook Tavern. Not to be outdone, here's another entry: I like the looks of...
Xenical Helps PCOS Sufferers Lose Weight
There may be an alternative for those suffering from PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), a hormone imbalance that interferes with normal ovulation. Women with PCOS do not have normal, regular menstrual cycles and may have multiple small cysts on their ovaries. The main...
How Not to Make Sugar Free Rice Krispy Treats
I started my quest to make a sugar free Rice Krispy Treat months ago when I went in search of a sugar free Marshmallow Kreme. I first bought fat free Marshmallow Kreme and didn't realize until driving home that I'd screwed up. There never was any fat in there -- the...
Does Eating Farmed Fish Cause Increased Appetite?
This just in from the "Dumb and Dumber" files: Scientists have developed a chemical being fed to farm bred fish which, get this, causes them to be so hungry they will eat anything. Since regular fish feed is expensive, this is a way to save money because the fish will...
Monsanto GMO Seed Infecting all Seeds
Monsanto successfully sued a farmer for patent infringement on the basis that pollen from their genetically modified seed drifted into his field, pollenating his crop, so later when the farmer harvested and sold seed from that crop he knowingly benefited from...
Sugar Free Sweet Tarts?
At the supermarket, I heard one girl say to another, "Sugar free Sweet Tarts? Now, that's just wrong!" and they threw them down in disgust. Where will this madness end? Diet candy? Sheesh.

Cashews Can be Toxic!
The skin of a cashew is highly caustic and can blister the skin, so the nut meats must be carefully removed from the skin before being touched or eaten.
Video Games for Exercise Catching On
News reports are coming in fast and furious about all the new video games that get people up and moving. I've talked about it here in The Slimming Pool often: Video Game That Causes people to Lose Weight, January 2004 ... When the game involves bodily movement, that's...
Yourself!Fitness – Fitness Comes to the Home Computer
You've heard of DDR (Dance, Dance, Revolution), and now there is Yourself!Fitness, developed by a Portland, Oregon company and now available for the PC (plus game consoles such as XBox and PlayStation). Here is a link to the XBox site's review of Yourself!Fitness...