Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

I get more e-mail that starts with, "Help me," than any other, yet those writers rarely put themselves on the list to receive my help. I'd love to spend all day answering e-mails, but frankly, I don't have time. What I do instead is respond as best I can with the time...

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Healthy Snacks Aid in Weight Loss

Just that Time of Year It's that time of year. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a difference now. It's colder and the tendency is to put on a few pounds. We've generally accepted that it is nature's way of helping us provide a little...

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Keeping Food Diary Helps Weight Loss

Keep track of what you eat for the next seven days; just one short week (you can do it). Note what, when, your mood, and whether you were hungry. This diary then becomes your window into your real eating habits. If you usually eat a pretty...

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I’m Hungry

Good Thing I'm Not A "Breakfast Skipper" Or This Could Be A Rough Day Nah, I always eat the most early in the day anyway, so being hungry is expected. Having my stomach gurgling like a flooding riverbank is another story. Sometimes when I wake this hungry,...

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