Fat Muscle Replicas

Fat Muscle Replicas

I'm often asked where to buy those fat/muscle replica models that I show in my post about whether you can (or should) say "Muscle Weighs More Than Fat." One current place is Enasco.com. They have a very nice catalog they'll mail if you request...

When Art Gets Fat

When Art Gets Fat

OMG, David! You've Let Yourself Go Saw this on Facebook and trying to find a reference I discovered Eternally Cool. "EternallyCool.net is Rome’s hip hub - here you can keep up with all that’s happening in the world’s oldest and coolest city. From art to...

Healthy Snacks Aid in Weight Loss

Healthy Snacks Aid in Weight Loss

Just that Time of Year It's that time of year. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a difference now. It's colder and the tendency is to put on a few pounds. We've generally accepted that it is nature's way of helping us provide a little...

Miniature Food Done Right

Miniature Food Done Right

I love food, so it makes sense I'd also love little miniature models of food, though I'm not sure why. Brings out the "oh it's so cute" in me, I guess. This remarkable demonstration of how to craft Itty Bitty Food takes the cake, especially...

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Just Who, Exactly are "They" There are a lot of rules flying around about what you should or shouldn't eat and what "they" say is right or wrong. But just who exactly the ones known as "they?" When you say you know you should eat X calories, who says? Where did you...

Drop a Load – No, not in the toilet!

Drop a Load – No, not in the toilet!

Targeted Google Ads Not so Smart Google is pretty simple minded, I'll tell you. I wrote a post in my other blog, Katy's Morning Rant, (my personal place for just dropping bits of info as I find them), and I posted about a site called...

One-Size Fits All Diets Do not Work

One-Size Fits All Diets Do not Work

Learn to incorporate healthier eating habits into your daily life, rather than trying to eat according to someone else's plan. Even if you can stay on a strict diet, what's the sense when you finally quit the diet and just gain the weight right back? There...

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Just Who, Exactly are "They" There are a lot of rules flying around about what you should or shouldn't eat and what "they" say is right or wrong. But just who exactly the ones known as "they?" When you say you know you should eat X calories, who says? Where did you...

Food Porn: Not Your Daddy’s Banana Bunker

Food Porn: Not Your Daddy’s Banana Bunker

Gotta love the Banana Bunker. This nifty gadget has all the earmarks of porn, but it's functional. All kidding aside, the Banana Bunker allows you to take the King of Fruits wherever you go with no worries about crushing, mushing, or generally making a mess. I'm...

Perfectly Sweet Winter Sale

The 2007 Winter Sale at Perfectly Sweet is in progress. Now through February, although they say quantities are limited, so they may run out on certain items. Perfectly Sweet is a business born of necessity. The owner's father had Type II Diabetes and something had to...

The Far Side Diet Weight Loss Program

I love Gary Larson's work. His book, Prehistory of the Far Side, is the best place to start. It shows drawings he made when he was but a wee child, and they are friggen hilarious. Scenes looking out from the trunk of the car for instance, where he claims he rode on...

Capital One Credit Card Rip Off Diet

Deal With These Idiots and You'll Lose Your Appetite Here's a way to lose weight; get ripped off by Capital One, then when you try to call and straightened it out you're told, "That's Capital One's policy." I paid by balance in full and my statement showed a finance...

Hoodia in Diet Weight Loss Pills

Notice how everyone's adding Hoodia to their formulations? Sorry, doesn't work that way. With all herbs, you need sufficient quantity and quality to get a noticeable result whatsoever. You can't just add a splash of this or that and think it's worthwhile, yet that's...

Muscle Does Not Weigh More Than Fat Ad Nauseum

Man, I still get e-mails like this: "Umm, so I stumbled on your site, and found you had written something on muscle weighing more than fat being a myth. To quote "As you can see, the 5 lbs. of fat is much bulkier than the 5 lbs. of muscle, but five pounds is still...

You Lose Weight, Your Pants Are Loose

You Lose Weight, Your Pants Are Loose

The Difference Between Lose and Loose is my pet peeve: People who profess to be experts in weight loss but they say "weight loose." OMG, it about kills me. Here's an easy way to remember. You lose something, your pants are loose. I mean, really now. That's a big...

Boobs McGee Workout Fail

Boobs McGee Workout Fail

Home Workouts Can be Hazardous to Your Health I was trying to learn how to videotape myself working out, so happened to have the camera rolling when this happened ... https://youtu.be/yy5cWFEJwz4

See Yourself Thinner Instantly

See Yourself Thinner Instantly

It's fun to alter photos, and here's one for helping your face (or your friends' faces?). Look younger, see how you'd look after that face lift you've been wanting. lose some fat cheeks? Sure, just in a photo, but hey, it's a start. Check out Real Allusion. Note: The...

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Just Who, Exactly are "They" There are a lot of rules flying around about what you should or shouldn't eat and what "they" say is right or wrong. But just who exactly the ones known as "they?" When you say you know you should eat X calories, who says? Where did you...

Why Food You Don’t Eat Hurts the Planet

Stop Wasting Leftovers and Help the Planet Just when we thought it was safe to toss our moldy leftovers, out comes a study saying food waste (and excessive shopping) contributes to environmental decline. Found at Newsdaily.com British Environment Minister Joan Ruddock...

Fresh Fruit Vegetable Seasons

Fresh Fruit Vegetable Seasons

Know your area's Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Seasons Know your local seasons! If you want to eat more fresh, local produce then get to know the local growing seasons in your area. I live in the Pacific Northwest so here we have: Local Grow Season Fresh Produce...

Crazy Exercise Gadgets Bicycle Treadmill

Crazy Exercise Gadgets Bicycle Treadmill

The treadmill Bike is Born In our quest to find more and better crazy exercise gadgets Bicycle Forest's Treadmill Bike ($2,500 Canadian) was developed. The idea was to avoid being cooped up in the gym and get outside, but wow, this is just, well, different. Find the...

Best Time to Start a Weight Loss Program?

Best Time to Start a Weight Loss Program?

When is the Right Time to Get Started? Most people start a new "plan" on a Monday. This is to give themselves the chance to get ready, as if they are starting a race. Think instead of starting a new eating plan as beginning a hike or climb - you are going...

Can’t Wait for the Appetizer? Eat the Menu

Can’t Wait for the Appetizer? Eat the Menu

An Edible Menu? Apparently I've been asleep in a closet somewhere because everyone's been talking about the edible menu and I'm only just finding out! Chef Homaru Cantu, chef/nerd-in-disguise at Moto restaurant in Chicago is doing more than thinking out of...