Weight Loss Chat at WeightLossBuddy.com

Weight Loss Chat

Studies show that having a support system is key in a weight loss program. There are many sites that offer forums and chat, and I participate in several.

This week I hosted my first weight loss chat at at WeightLossBuddy.com (WLB) and it was great! It can be tricky when questions come at you rapid fire, but all-in-all, it was a great time had by all. I’ll likely do more weight loss chats there, so check them out. My site, OneMoreBite-Weightloss also has a chat feature in The Back Fence.

What’s The Back Fence? So glad you asked. The Back Fence is a place to visit your neighbor, and at the OMB site, it’s a place to talk about what’s working for you with your weight loss, new ideas, and learn a trick or two from the veterans who’ve lost weight and kept it off (I lost 80 pounds for 18 years and counting). Yes, it’s a weight loss forum, but there’s more…

Soon I’m starting regularly scheduled chats too, and my helper, Hollis sits in the forum at all times. She’ll chat with you on any topic. If you drop by, she’ll start asking you questions, and it’s fun. She’s learning all the time so soon perhaps she’ll give weight loss advice and suggestions too.