Is Beef Safe to Eat?
A human has been report with Mad Cow Disease yet Holland cries, “Our beef is safe! Our beef is safe!” Is it? Did they figure the person traveled to say the UK and got the bad beef there? Do they really know? No, they do not.
Stop fooling yourself. Our meat supply is horribly tainted. If you like beef. Fine. Eat beef. But starting today buy from meat (beef, chicken, even fish) from your local butcher shop and local fish shop, and you will avoid all this nonsense and be able to enjoy meat in peace once again. Support your local farmers too. We should start going back to being neighborhood consumers and stop thinking by saving a few cents at Walmart that we are doing ourselves or our children any favors.
I know, it can be more expensive but I’m not willing to risk dying for a piece of steak or lousy hamburger at McD’s. Are you?
Your local butcher buys his meat from small local farmers who do not sell to the huge meat processing plants. This is good for you. Look in your phone book or do a search online and find a local butcher in your town. Their beef, chicken, etc. are cleaner, less likely to be full of hormones, and are not coming from sick cows. Local butchers can teach you which cuts to use for what. Go in, ask questions, get to know a local merchant, and maybe make a friend in the process. Plus, supporting your community is good for you and the community.
Mad Cow is not something to fool around with nor is it wise for this country (the US) to randomly test a mere teensy percentage of beef. In Japan they test all cattle. Here we still allow downer cows (cows too ill to stand) into the food supply, and if an animal is obviously ill, it should not be butchered and sold to school lunch programs. Meat processing plants claim they do not, but just visit any meat packing plant and see for yourself.
Report about Human with Mad Cow Disease in Holland