It’s fun to alter photos, and here’s one for helping your face (or your friends’ faces?). Look younger, see how you’d look after that face lift you’ve been wanting. lose some fat cheeks? Sure, just in a photo, but hey, it’s a start. Check out Real Allusion. Note: The model they use is hardly 20-years-old so it’s not a huge change.
Here’s a tutorial on using Photoshop to alter photos (Hint: this is what they do to magazine photos which is why everyone looks so perfect).
Someone sent me a link to a web site that can alter pics to make you look thinner. Now I can’t find that link, so if you know of anyone doing this, please send me a note or comment below and let me know! Here is one I found on my own (maybe it’s the same, I’m not sure) Fit, for just $19.95 they’ll alter the photo you send to make you look as you would if you lost some weight. This can a be a great way to visualize yourself thinner and also to get emotionally over that hump (the “who will I be without my weight issue hump). The price is much less than trying to learn to do this yourself, but if you already have Photoshop there are lots of tutorials out there, just search Google or your fav search engine for “photographs instant weight loss” or something similar.
Nice little post, this is pretty much the same technique whic most advertising firms seem to do when they want to make someone (eg. Kate Moss) – of course looking slim is one thing being slimmer is another.
I really enjoy seeing what I could like, I remember they did a tv programme on how a girl would look if she continued drinking excessively and eating the way she did in 10 years and although I know it must have been really difficult for her to see herself like that, she said it was one of the best motivators as she wanted to see her children grow up and have their own children. I think she realised that without weight loss she wouldn't be able to – massively inspiring and your post is great and reminded me, may be I'll do a slimmer me and stick it to the fridge!
Yest it's a great post. It is surprising that many people go through a lot of turmoil and pain to reduce their body weight. If you decide to lose weight fast incompetence that you are aware of certain things. It is important to have a plan and not let go, so you can see, and head of its objectives in a sensible manner. Ultimately it is the right approach to help early on. Yes, yes, if not, you still have good nutrition and diet, then definitely do not go very far.
There are lot of softwares around ,which can make you look like hollywood chick including your's fitpic's one.My mate did tthat ,he was chubby and fat and he used a software to make his pic look thinner and unbelievably he made himself like undergarments model.
It's kind of sickening that they edit the photos to make the models look thinner…most of them they make look WAY too thin! And that's what our children are looking up to! I can understand perhaps them making the models look perfect, or whatever, but they all look so thin that the slightest breeze would blow them away.
So many people nowadays wants to lose some weight and burn some calories. its one of the hardest things to do, it takes hard work will power and lots of patience. But all the little things can add up! not having seconds, walking the dog etc..
Running know is hooked. But they are always complaining about sore knees.
The doctor tells them to lay off the running for a few months and let it heal up,
but they wont or can't! When they get old they will suffer big time!