Weight Loss: Why Quick Results Take Time
Q: Five weeks ago, I began an exercise program and so far I have not lost any weight or gained in muscle tone - which is my goal. Regardless, I intend to keep it up, knowing that the results I want will occur if I give it time. A. That's so true, yet here is what...

Celebrity Diet Advice: Not Always Smart
Are You Hungry? Here's something I read yesterday that got my blood boiling. It's supposedly diet advice, but I'd say it's more of the same nonsense we're fed in our daily "Celebrity Advice" diet. "You eat when you're hungry, and you can eat often," Paula Zahn...

What Have You Eaten Today?
It's 11:51 AM and so far today I've eaten... ... a huge bowl of granola cereal with a cup or more of non-fat milk at 7:15 AM. Around 10:00 I had a small banana, which didn't seem to do a lot, so I added a medium apple about 10:20. Now, I've just finished a low-fat...
Habits Make the Man
We are all creatures of habit, going about our daily lives without giving it much thought. The same thing happens with our eating habits. Our favorite foods, snacks, times and places to eat. Mostly done out of habit. Have you ever polished off a bag of chips without...
One Small Change Equals Big Weight Loss Results
Avoiding Winter Weight Gain It's that time of year. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a difference now. It's colder and the tendency is to put on a few pounds. We've generally accepted that it is nature's way of helping us provide a...
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Must Have Chocolate Diet
The Chocolizer! Here's some more marketing genius, The "Chocolizer." Get this, they claim "each capsule provides the equivalent satisfaction of two large chocolate bars or three cups of chocolate milk." Oh, really? That's swell, but how's that supposed to help when...
Mental Toughness or Weight Loss Bully?
Mental Toughness I received an e-mail with a link to something called Mental Toughness, so I checked it out and I cannot believe it. If you don't already disparage yourself enough, this is the program to get. It apparently is based on the premise that if they tell you...
Weight Watchers – New Core Diet Plan
Competing with Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers Introduces the Core Diet Plan In a feeble attempt to appeal to dieters who liked the idea that they could eat all they want (calories don't count) Weight Watchers announced the introduction of the Core Diet. What is the...
Fatty Acids, Health Claims – A Good Match?
Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the pool, now the government has decided to "allow" health claims for fatty acids. So if you were getting tired of seeing "low carb" on everything, now you can look forward to seeing contains EPA and DHA! Wowee! Said FDA...
Karo Syrup Increases Appetite
Karo syrup (corn syrup) was originally promoted in 1905 as, "An appetizer that makes you eat." See the original Karo Syrup Ad, circa 1905. Remember in 1905 a good appetite was necessary if you wanted a longer lifespan. Scrawny folks just had a harder time warding off...
Are Eggs Good or Bad for Weight Loss?
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published the findings from a recent 14-year study in Japan which concluded, "Limiting egg consumption may have some health benefits, at least in women in geographic areas where egg consumption makes a relatively large...

EFT on Reluctance to Quit Smoking, Weight Loss
This was a reply I made in a Yahoo Group forum, and I thought it appropriate for today's Daily Bite. The poster was specifically asking about her reluctance to use EFT on her smoking because she really wasn't' ready to quit: It makes perfectly good sense that you...
How to Make Pork Rinds and other Fun with Pork
Disclaimer:: If you follow a low carb approach, you may like these ideas. Otherwise, maybe don't read this. Since the pork rind's people are having trouble keeping the shelves stocked, you might consider making your own. Pork Rinds are popular with the Atkins Diet...

Is it OleanĀ® or Oh, Yuck?
How about a bit of Extra Grease with that? In mid-2003 the FDA released its requirement for a warning label on products containing the fake fat Olean due to the relentless efforts of P&G Proctor & Gamble who own and market Olean formerly known as Olestra. It's...
Exercise for Weight Loss: How Long is This Going to Take?
As for exercising and not seeing a result let us all take a deep breath and then repeat after me: "It just takes time." If a person has spent the last 20 years not exercising and not eating well, they cannot expect that two weeks on a treadmill will turn that around....