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EFT for More Than Just Weight Loss
Learn EFT for Weight Loss Then Use it for Everything The other day I had a sudden memory when a wave of upset, fear, dread, all the feelings associated with that long ago event came up. I found myself suddenly sitting with a rapidly beating heart and a heaviness that...
Inner Beauty: What is Inside Matters
So Why Do We Care So Much About the Outside? With so much attention being put on change - changing our shapes, our minds, our political views, have you ever stopped to think, "Who am I, without my weight issue?" If you didn't have this "thing," this constant...
FDA Can’t Guarantee Beef is Safe
The Portland Oregonian ran a piece February 16th, 2004 about beef and why it would be impossible for them to ever guarantee the nation's beef completely safe from Mad Cow. Why'd they write this piece? I imagine they first figured hardly anyone would read it; as it was...

Why Exercise Takes so Long to Show Results
The greatest reason for quitting exercise is the lack of tangible, immediate results. If we can't see something happening, we aren't happy. That's why people are so enchanted with watching their weight drop on the scale. That they can say, "Look, Martha, I dropped...
One Minute at a Time to Weight Loss Success
I know you've heard of one-day at a time, but one-minute at a time? Come on, who needs that? Hum, maybe you do. If you've struggled repeatedly, yet continue to fail in your efforts, what's going wrong? Was it the way you tried to stop, quit, or cut down, was too...
Have you ever lost your grip on your toothbrush …
True Story: Have you ever been brushing your teeth when suddenly you lose your grip and stab yourself violently in the mouth which causes the brush to go flying off, skidding to a stop on the floor and leaving a trail of toothpaste in its wake? Me...
Use EFT When Nothing’s Going Right
Some days you have everything working in your favor, you can do no wrong, and other days on your way to a job interview you step in a puddle, your nylons run and you lose the heel of your shoe. It can't get any worse and then the IRS calls leaving an "urgent" message...
Video Game that Causes People to Lose Weight
Q. How can a game help someone lose weight? A.When the game involves bodily movement, that's how. Today I came across Tanya Jessen's story and how she eventually lost 95 pounds playing DDR. Awhile back I'd mentioned hearing about Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) after...
Let’s Talk About Hunger
Why Am I So Hungry Today? Yesterday I felt hungry all day. I decided it was because I felt trapped. I didn't have a choice about what or where to eat - I couldn't leave my house because there were a few inches of ice literally on everything outside , so I did what any...
Taming Your Eating Triggers
I'm sitting here at home on a rare Portland, Oregon snow day, and it's cold. Yesterday the weather man said it was 20 degrees but "felt like four." I had to laugh. That's putting it in plain English I guess. Instead of saying, "The Wind Chill factor is 4," they tell...