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Xenical Helps PCOS Sufferers Lose Weight

There may be an alternative for those suffering from PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), a hormone imbalance that interferes with normal ovulation. Women with PCOS do not have normal, regular menstrual cycles and may have multiple small cysts on their ovaries. The main...

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Healthy Snacks Aid in Weight Loss

Just that Time of Year It's that time of year. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a difference now. It's colder and the tendency is to put on a few pounds. We've generally accepted that it is nature's way of helping us provide a little...

Miniature Food Done Right

I love food, so it makes sense I'd also love little miniature models of food, though I'm not sure why. Brings out the "oh it's so cute" in me, I guess. This remarkable demonstration of how to craft Itty Bitty Food takes the cake, especially...

Taking Diet Advice from Unknown Experts

Just Who, Exactly are "They" There are a lot of rules flying around about what you should or shouldn't eat and what "they" say is right or wrong. But just who exactly the ones known as "they?" When you say you know you should eat X calories, who says? Where did you...

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