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Veggie Spring rolls

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Our Blog

The Fear Factor

The Fear Factor How many times have you tried to lose some weight and failed? Oh, you lost some weight all right. Losing it is not the problem, it's the gaining it right back that haunts you, isn't it? The thought of trying and being disappointed one more time can be...

Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

Help Me, I Can’t Lose Weight

I get more e-mail that starts with, "Help me," than any other, yet those writers rarely put themselves on the list to receive my help. I'd love to spend all day answering e-mails, but frankly, I don't have time. What I do instead is respond as best I can with the time...

See Yourself Thinner Instantly

See Yourself Thinner Instantly

It's fun to alter photos, and here's one for helping your face (or your friends' faces?). Look younger, see how you'd look after that face lift you've been wanting. lose some fat cheeks? Sure, just in a photo, but hey, it's a start. Check out Real Allusion. Note: The...

Best Time to Start a Weight Loss Program?

Best Time to Start a Weight Loss Program?

When is the Right Time to Get Started? Most people start a new "plan" on a Monday. This is to give themselves the chance to get ready, as if they are starting a race. Think instead of starting a new eating plan as beginning a hike or climb - you are going...

How I Quit Smoking, One Day at a Time

How I Quit Smoking, One Day at a Time

I quit smoking many years ago and the only way I could do it was by thinking ahead, not forever, not for a year or a month, or even a week, but one day at a time. Every day when I'd wake my first thoughts would be a decision for that day and that day only; "Today, I...

Habits Make the Man

We are all creatures of habit, going about our daily lives without giving it much thought. The same thing happens with our eating habits. Our favorite foods, snacks, times and places to eat. Mostly done out of habit. Have you ever polished off a bag of chips without...

The Fear Factor

The Fear Factor How many times have you tried to lose some weight and failed? Oh, you lost some weight all right. Losing it is not the problem, it's the gaining it right back that haunts you, isn't it? The thought of trying and being disappointed one more time can be...

Boobs McGee Workout Fail

Home Workouts Can be Hazardous to Your Health I was trying to learn how to videotape myself working out, so happened to have the camera rolling when this happened ... https://youtu.be/yy5cWFEJwz4

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