New Diet Drug, Not Yet, But Someday, so Is That News?

I Hate the News Reporting Theories and Their Opinions

In the time honored tradition of CNN’s reporting news that isn’t news, tonight I saw a report on the “promising” protein leptin being used to develop a new diet drug. As Dave Barry likes to say, I’m not making this up. The report said, “Unger says his group has “a lot of ideas” about how to make leptin do its job in overweight people and “we are working on them now.” He says he can’t give further details until the work is ready for publication. Well duh!

A lot of ideas … hum, that sounds like, they don’t know Jack! A lot of ideas my eye. They are sitting around cooking up these ideas then calling the media who come running.

Yes, we all wish there were a magic pill we could take so we could eat nothing but bonbons all day and stay svelte as a (fill in the blank with your favorite body type here). That day is not coming any time soon, and when it does, I’d still be wary. Most likely they’ll find out a few years later that the drug causes all your hair to fall out and you develop awful body odor or something – irreversible too no doubt. There is no free lunch will win out, mark my words.

Meanwhile, try eating for appetite control. It works marvelously well. Especially if you eat food with nutritional value! That’s a magic diet pill if you ask me.